Saturday, April 17, 2021

Champagne Tears and Cancel Culture Fears

 Piers Morgan voluntarily stormed off his own show and quit over a heated discussion where he was challenged by people of color. This led to Sharon Osbourne having her own heated discussion on her own show in which she was unreasonable, loud, and hysterical. An investigation reveals that she is/was problematic and then she quit her own show. She goes on Bill Maher's show to discuss how awful cancel culture is for old white millionaires with their own show who voluntarily quit when they have their position challenged. This is all happening in the same week where multiple videos show black and brown people being shot, killed, tased, pepper sprayed, and terrorized. 

Can we start A Million Mercedes March through Malibu for these millionaires? A Petty Penny Parade in which they are showered with loose change? Toys for THOTS? I'm trying to figure out how to stop these rich white millionaires from quitting their own show and claiming that the threat of POC voices is so dangerous that they can not withstand a balanced discussion without breaking down in Moet-flavored tears of persecution. I have seen white people quit their jobs, shut down entire institutions (Ovation Awards), self-immolate, destroy infrastructure...rather than integrate, work toward equity, try to figure out how inclusion could work. I have seen some of the best minds enflamed with rage when historically disenfranchised populations ask...a question that pertains to their survival. 

I have seen white liberals destroy some of the nation's best school systems (NYC, Chicago) out of integration fear while honoring MLK day. I have seen rich white people pull up stakes and try to destroy entire metropolises (Detroit) rather than share the pie. 

When you would rather destroy, resign, light your career on fire, and shut down historic institutions rather than have a are proving the exact point you are trying to refute with your tears of cancel culture. Your toxic tears are terrifying to black people trying to not get killed, bullied into suicide, or harassed into subservience. Just b/c the world does not revolve around you does not mean it ceases to spin. The chaos of progress does not mean the apocalypse is upon on white people. It means we are working through some deep shit that isn't going to be corrected with a TED Talk. The work takes generations. 

As Tom Hanks would say...there's no crying in white allyship. Cut. It. Out.

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