Wednesday, August 26, 2020

RNC is for C Students (and you should be worried)

 The average person is a C student. Remember that. You don't get to be a C student because you study hard, pursue truth, seek out your passion. C students move when they are shoved, read when are forced to do it, vote when they are afraid. If you are an A+ student who wants to say 'no, no, are looking down on ppl' STFU. You are an elitist. It's fine to be that, but recognize your place in the world and that the average person is a C student. And that should worry you. 

In the last 5 presidential campaigns I have been asked/stalked/harrangued/sought out to volunteer twice: 2008 and 2012. The other 3 times the Dem candidate said 'don't worry about it. We got it in the bag'...and then lost. The DNC outreach to the POC community? Minimal. The outreach to the youth? Nonexistent. And in 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020 the Republicans had batshit crazy conventions in an alt reality where they just made up stuff...and they won 60% of the time. White Centrist Dems are the Chris Webber of politics. They are anti-clutch. In each case the Democratic candidate was smarter, more well-read, and actually existing in a world of reality. In each case the Dem candidate had platform and policies which would have benefited the average person and they lost to outright crooks. This is not an accident of history. History doesn't 'accident itself' 60% of the time. 

Gore, Kerry, Clinton all faced cartoonishly bad liars and criminals and expected the American ppl to understand the depths of the lies. They did not. The American ppl understand what you tell them and what is right in front of them. Even now as we race toward 200,000 dead in 6 months, the virus has slowed a millimeter in some swing states and white voters are already starting to flock back to Trump. The dead bodies aren't even cold and American white ppl have such a short-term memory that they will step over the corpses to give a white guy a second, third, 5000th chance to kill, steal, lie, and corrupt all standards. Americans do not understand history, truth, sociology, health care, economics, or biological genocide. They understand shiny, big, fat, simple balloon words.  They understand word clouds and foggy optimism. They understand chicken soup for the soul, a vague Jesus who allows them to love sporadically and kill generously, and loudness/repetition equals truth. Loudness/repetition equals truth. Loudness/repetition equals truth. 

The big fat dumb monstrosity the RNC puts on every year isn't meant for Emmy voters. It is meant to be loud and repetitive. Joe Biden needs to be loud and repetitive. It doesn't even matter that much what he is talking about, although it would do wonders for him if he actually came out in favor of Medicare for All, UBI, ban assault weapons. It would do wonders for motivating progressives if he was loud and repetitive about 3 bumpersticker ideas. Notice, I did not say policy. You are loud and repetitive about IDEAS! Policy chokes thought and gets you buried in fact-checkers and eggheads. Ideas allows the researchers to work for you, to imagine, to dream how something could work, rather than telling you all the reasons why your policy may not work. 

I can't believe Dems are still this bad at politics. Politics is the art of presenting big shiny fat simple ideas. Say it loudly and repeat it again and again until you get sick of hearing it. Repeat it until it becomes a mantra. Be loud, be garish, if you get caught in a Dean scream moment you don't apologize. You double down on that scream. You make tik-tok videos in which you challenge people to scream you big, fat, shiny slogans. Politics is grotesque, short, and brutish...just like life. 

The winners in life are almost never the book smart, savvy, well-read, perspicacious A+ students. The winners are the B students who are just smart enough to pretend like they're on the honor roll but shrewd enough to get the C- students to kick the crap out of the A+ students. The B students realizes that there are a lot more C students in life and the smart pupils have their heads so far up their own elitism that they look down on the average person. 

The B- student is the middle child...cunning, shrewd. They have an inferiority complex because they're overlooked and under appreciated. And they want revenge. While Trump is certainly dumb, he is smart enough to fill his staff with B-students. They're hungry, they have nothing to lose, and they are motivated to destroy the Obama honor roll class. And they know who their audience is and how to reach them. The loud/repetitive lies are not for you. They are for the swing state voters who want life to go back to normal, even if their normal wasn't that great. The C students can't envision incrementally better change according to researched data. If you are loud and repetitive the average person can be conned into fake dreams while accepting their tragic reality. 

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