Monday, August 17, 2020

A Tale of Two 2020's

 I am between extremes, like the opening of  "A Tale of Two Cities." It is both the busiest of times with work, and the most boring of times without theatre, gym, dining out, meeting ppl. I'm both doing well personally and wrecked by what I see around me. I did a breakdown of my time and b/c my writers' room is meeting only 4 hrs a day. I don't travel at all. I don't shop for groceries (almost all delivery), no eating out, no theatre, no traveling to Manhattan. My world is now the few blocks around my apartment and the park. I have an extra 50 hours every week! It's like having an extra two days. The disadvantage is that because work happens through zoom there is a sense that our labor has becomes a numinous thing that floats throughout the day. I have time and also I don't because it is spread everywhere. My time is both more plentiful and more fleeting/scattered/chopped. 

I expected this administration to destroy the arts, our gov, our democracy, the black community, POC, our national dignity, trade, and our reputation around the world. I did not think they would destroy the seasons, the outdoors, and time itself. When we look back on this time.

I hope we remember the disorienting, deadly, and existential threat that constant lies create for human existence. Lies don't just cause war, death, disease, famine. They unravel our very sense of time and self.

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