Thursday, August 20, 2020

Biden's Acceptance Speech (In My Dreams)

 The person who frames and drives the argument wins 9 times out of 10. Doesn't even matter how stupid that person is or how ridiculous their argument is to analysis. That's what we were taught in high school debate. 

So yeah, even if Biden is 10% up, I'm worried. The Dems are not controlling the narrative or framing any issue. The GOP has a famewhore who controls 99% of all the media w/ their outlandish, appalling, boorish, corrupt, homicidal behavior. On the other side we have...what? Decency. Even the 'decency angle' is a narrative that highlights the other side by comparison. 

Biden, I'm gonna need you to give the speech of your motherf***ing life. The speech your motherf***ing life is not your most eloquent speech. Fire your speechwriters. The last time Biden said something memorable was when you were speaking out against school busing...40 years ago. Wrong side of history but at least I can remember it. The last time you did something memorable was 1) cursing on a hot mic 'that's a big fucking deal' about Obamacare 2) treating Anita Hill like shit. I'm just being honest. I'm going to vote for you anyway but that's what I remember about your entire career. No bueno. 

I need you to give a speech as passionate simple-minded as a child. In 2016 Clinton gave...a very nice speech. All y'all that said it was the best thing ever were lying. I knew you were lying at the time b/c I was watching the speech and...I couldn't remember a thing she said. Clinton spoke very well, eloquent, calm. I don't remember anything besides her white suit...and a few barbs but they were about her opponent. I need Biden to be sharp, short, concise. Terse. H. Ross Perot folksy. "Here's the deal folks...' should be your opening and you should just launch into it: 1 out of every 1,000 of you is going to be dead by the end of the year. 30 million are going to be evicted. America is a third-world shit hole. Period. He did that. They did that with the permission of the Senate. They killed your grandmother. They stole your check and gave it to trillionaires. They're shitting down your throat and calling it a throat lozenge. I'm gonna stop this motherfucking virus. I'm going to hunt these crooks who killed your grandmother. I want their heads on a stick. I want them in prison for life. They are worse than Osama Bin Laden...yeah I said that shit. Fight me. They are more deadly than the worst terrorist we hunted down to the end of the earth. They are KKK-spouting, racist biological terrorists who sent your kids back into a burning building. Guess what, I'm not playing around. 

They used to call me Sleepy Joe but now they call me Batman' and raise up a motherfucking bat and have the word JUSTICE on it. Point that Louisville slugger at the camera and say "I'm coming for your heads you shit-fuckers. I'm gonna tear your dick into beef jerky and feed it to my pitbulls. I'm going take this country out of the shit hole these lying scumbags put it in...and then I'm coming for each one of them. I'm not going to stop until I hunt every one of them down. And then I'm coming after Putin b/c he's coming after us. I'm coming straight for our enemies who are fucking with your freedom. Putin...fuck you. Anything you hear about me in the 70 days is suspect. Media, if you cover anything leaked like you did in 2016 I'm going to introduce you to my bat.

Then I want everyone in the DNC to walk out with bats with different slogans written on them...Beat the Virus....fuck a dick, QANON...KKK Killers...Nazi hunters...

And then Biden says 'this is my team. This is my squad. You see these slogans...fuck Nazis...yeah. If you have any defense against this, then I'm swinging at your head. If you're trying to defend racism, QANON, or the death of 300,000 Americans then I'm swinging at you. This is life and death and there's no gray area any more. These  people are lying, stealing and literally killing you. There's no place for that on my squad. Suit up, America. It's time we win back our country and then hunt these people down. If we don't hunt them down, they're going to come back and kill you and steal from you. This is justice. This is the only way we save this democracy. Don't give up, don't surrender, keep fighting, we're going to win. 

And then I want fireworks. Go online and buy a bat bitch! I ain't playing around with these heauxs. And yes, I spelled it like a drag queen b/c if you're not down with drag, you probably got little dick energy. And we're swinging bats up here! 

All right, this may be my dream speech that will never happen. But Biden's sales pitch should have this feel to it. No more eloquence. 

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