Sunday, January 31, 2021

In Case We Ever Try to Normalize 2020...

 In case we ever try to normalize this...

I  was walking through the CVS and half the supplies are locked up behind plastic barriers. When I get home and open up a purchase, I find that someone has swiped a huge glob from the pain cream. I ask the store manager what's happening and he says ppl are poor and stealing. That's why half the products are locked away. Ppl run in to steal an aspirin or a vitamin.

In case we ever try to normalize this...

there's a long delay on getting my father's death certificate. The county is so backlogged with death and misery that they can't process the paperwork fast enough. The mismanaged plague has overwhelmed the death bureaucracy.

In case we ever try to normalize this...

More Americans were killed in 9 months at home than in all of WW 2. More Americans were killed b/c of a lie than in almost all the wars combined. 400,000 is a severe undercount. 

In case we ever try to normalize this...

The food bank lines wrapped around the block and extended for half a April 2020. 10 months later and the line extends twice as is guarded by police cops to stop fights from breaking out.  

In case we ever try to normalize this...

If we acted responsibly the death toll was predicted to have been around 77,000. Half a million people have died. 400,000 ppl would still be here if we cared. 

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H1-B Visa Stories

 H1-B Visa Stories.... my mom worked at Florida Power and Light for 40 yrs. In the 1990s, FPL fired most of the middle managers and started ...