Tuesday, December 22, 2020

The Senate Has Rabies

When you are kind to someone they usually return the favor. But that rule doesn't apply to a psychopath. Once their problem is solved there are no other problems in the world. Everything is fine. If you push a psychopath out of a burning building, they not only cease to care about the fire, the fire doesn't exist...even if you're still screaming from inside the blaze. I worry about Senators getting covid vaccine first. Not because they don't qualify for early injection. They do. I worry b/c our gov (and in particular the GOP) is a seething tribe of psychopaths. What's even worse, the avg Senator has a set of interlocking privileges which protect them from societal problems. Therefore they are not in a rush to solve anything b/c the problem isn't their responsibility. It's their constituents lack of intelligence or work ethic or morality that's the problem. The people's pain and suffering has no connection to the government. 

The current GOP is comprised of the most privileged group of  psychopaths in history. They are not only fully protected by wealth, race, power, and finances, they have a media bubble which re-enforces their psychopathic tendencies as Christian virtues and patriotism. It's a media bubble that is so fully encompassing that facts can't penetrate. In this bubble, the 2020 problems are mainly due to people being lazy. Their portfolios are fine so the economy is great. If covid infects them, they get the special treatment in hospitals so...everyone else should just be smart enough to ask. If they get a vaccine, then then covid is no longer a problem. The only way to keep a sociopath interested in helping others is to tie their own interests to others. 

Remember, at the start of this pandemic when covid was raging through NYC, most GOP Senators said 'that's their problem. No bailout for blue states.' They actually felt that they had no responsibility to waves of Americans dying because it was in liberal states. Forget the fact that this foreshadowed their 'red state massacre' that happened throughout the summer and fall. Just on a human level, they saw the numbers, saw the refrigerated morgue trucks and just...shrugged their shoulders. Oh well. Not my problem. This is not a normal human reaction. This is the reaction of a dangerous callous and cruel psychopath. And these are the people running our government. Now that they're fully vaccinated, they will declare 'mission accomplished' as we hit 4,000 deaths/a day in January. 

It is not a matter of policy differences. It is trying to engage with rabies-infected zombies who are barking-crazy. 

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