Friday, December 11, 2020

(My) Time Person(s) of the Year: Covid Scientists and Doctors

-the Chinese mofo that warned you about it, got condemned by the Chinese gov, and died from covid.

- the Dr. Fauci mofos that warned us about it, got death threats, and managed to keep working while their lives and families were threatening with torture/murder by the very ppl they were trying to save. 

- the mofos scientists that figured out a vaccine in a week that allowed for early testing to start immediately in the spring, which then triggered Pfizer and Moderna factories to start cranking out hundreds of millions of vaccines as phase 2 and 3 testing was still in process during the summer, which then lead to a feasible vaccine distribution plan to get implemented in December. Record time. 

- Just a reminder that if you think your 2020 life is unfair, imagine being one of the thousands of scientists who worked around the clock to save lives while govs doubted them, citizens threatened to kill them, and conspiracists try to undermine their efforts as a part of a vast global plot. And not even getting a 'thank you' muffin basket.

- now imagine being a hospital nurse or doctor trying to save lives and not die from covid, crazies, and not funding cuts by the gov. 

- we are very lucky that the vast majority of ppl in this world want to do good and willing to sacrifice their lives for ppl they will never meet. These are ppl willing to lay it all out for others, mothers, fathers, sons, and daughters...or as Trump would call them: suckers. Thank you. 

You are trying to save us from 'the stupid.' But 'the stupid' is strong in us as humans. Thank you for your patience. We are evolving. Hopefully the virus isn't.

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