Friday, April 17, 2020

Tiger King in Quarantine

TIGER KING starts off slow, but the hype is warranted. There is just so many batshit awful people. I know this is a meme, but I actually did think as I was watching it ' glad black ppl ARE NOT represented here, LOL.' It's awe-inspiring madness. I think these are the kind of people you want to watch but would never want to be in their actual circle.

Unpopular take: I actually like doc's alleged femme fatale, Carol Baskins. She's flawed and has darkness but all the people associated with tigers collection are EXTREMELY fucked up. In fairness though, she's dealing in a world of toxic male egos where her life is jokingly threatened every day. I can imagine she's dealt with the rape/kill threats since she was a girl, when she was actually raped. How would any man react if every day society teased them about anally raping their butt and slicing their throat? Probably not well. The average woman/animal rights activist would probably have to build up a very strong reserve of strength and fortitude to operate in the exotic animal world. And in the doc she is it...the lone island amidst a sea of madness. Now granted some of those 'crazy waves' have probably lapped up on her shores, but I would rather deal with a strong woman the only one And I think that's the Netflix doc sweetspot. Finding a weird angle (exotic animal collectors), connecting it to a specific crime (usually murder...almost always murder), having bizarre sex involved (double points for alternative gay sex) and then diving into the makeup of the community and realizing how extremely fucked up ppl are. I watched WILD WILD COUNTRY a few days ago about the cult in Oregon. At first you think 'crazy, cult' and that holds to be true overall. But then there's these parts where you realize American society is like a cult battling with this cult...and in some ways the Oregon cult is probably better than the American one.

WILD COUNTRY crawled so DON'T FUCK WITH CATS could walk so TIGER KING could sprint like a naked clown streaker through a farmer's market. 

In other streaming tv developments, I've actually started watching THE SOPRANOS and...I get it. I get why it's loved. At the same time, it's not a series built for bingewatching. It's constructed like old TV narratives that were designed so you take a break for a week, so psychologically I don't feel the need to speedwatch like it's visual crank. I noticed the same thing about THE GOOD WIFE. When I finally watched it for prep on THE GOOD FIGHT I found the quality to be extremely high, but I had a hard time bingewatching. It felt like binging would be the equivalent of chugging wine. The palate needs a cleanser. So it took me several months to get through THE GOOD WIFE as oppose to THE GOOD FIGHT which was made for visual chugging.

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