Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Pandemic Loss: Gerald Fergy

The ambulance lights are flashing through the windows as I write this. A hospital helicopter buzzes over the block, making the ceiling lights shudder and shake as I sit at the dining room table with my laptop. Maybe the surreal lights show is a tribute to the 1,000 lives loss today in America because of the coronavirus. I know at least one of them.

Gerald Fergy passed away yesterday from COVID-19. I knew Fergy for over 15 yrs. He was one of my parents' closest friends. My Dad and he used to go to the Waffle House for long conversations. I met him in 2005, right before my Dad started having strokes. Fergy stopped by the house at least once or twice a week. When my grandmother passed away and I had to fly the day of the funeral, Fergy was the one who picked me up at the airport and drove me directly to the funeral. He was also the one who sat with my Dad on Sunday's when my mom was at church. He didn't stop by the house for the last two Sunday's b/c I've been here to look after Dad and church is now online. But the last time Fergy stopped by the house my mom didn't let him in (family rules)...but handed him a meal while he stood on the porch and then -as per usual with all guest- she went back inside, took off her mask, and washed her hands. By fate or chance, I happened to be out of the house during that time because I was running a quick grocery errand (also with a mask on). He went into the hospital on Monday and was gone on Tuesday.

Please stay as safe as you can. Fergy probably got sick from being in a home with someone who tested positive for the coronavirus. The positive person didn't quarantine, didn't lock themselves in a room, continued cooking, and acting as if it was just the flu. It was a tiny apartment. Maybe the luxury of paying for a hotel wasn't in the budget, but now a funeral is... or maybe they didn't think it was that big of a deal. The person who tested positive never got deathly ill. They are still around, Fergy is not, and we are stunned. It happened so quickly.

Love you Uncle Fergy

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