Saturday, April 25, 2020

COVID-19 and Capitalism

MEDIA: what are ppl going to do if they live paycheck to paycheck? They stay home and they go broke. They go out to work and they catch the 'rona.

ME: you could just raise taxes on the rich, create a temporary $2,000/month UBI so that non-essential workers can stay home for the next 2-3 months without having to worry about rent or paying their mortgage.

MEDIA: It's a damn pickle. If only there was some way out of these 2 awful choices!!

ME: Other countries are paying citizens to stay home. Those ppl will spend that $2,000 and help keep the economy going. You just have to raise taxes on the rich.

MEDIA: Damn shame there's nothing we can do about it.

ME: Just raise taxes on billionaires. They already got 80% of the $2 trillion stimulus package. They have more money than ever. The rich aren't going to go broke paying 10% more taxes for a few months, it will save the economy, and offer some sense of calm to the 20% unemployed and indie contractors who want to stay home but need money.

MEDIA: Well, you want to get back out there middle-class America? Yeah, this will cause the infection rate to go up, many of you will die unnecessarily, and make everything worse but...there's just no other way around drinking the poison. We have to save the stock mar- I mean the economy. So drink up! We salute you 'economic heroes.' 

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