Sunday, January 1, 2023

Kwanzaa: Imani

 Kwanzaa’s 7th Day: Imani (faith) Blind faith corrupts. To have thoughtless devotion to a political movement, economic systems, spirituality, ethnic purity, or nationalism leads to fanaticism and fatalism. Yet it’s the rabid voice which gets the most attention from ppl desperate to believe in something/anything. Faith can be a beautiful unifying thing that brings ppl together during troubled times. It can carry a ppl through war, enslavement, genocide. 

To me, Imani means you have faith backed by proof or previous experience (ancestors.) Imani means that confidence comes from a knowing within, rather than proselytizing to others. Imani means listening and responding to different obstacles and circumstances with a clarity that comes from history and critical thinking skills. Lord Buddha told ppl 2500 years ago to NOT have blind faith in what he was saying. He said to always test the truth, filter it through your experience, apply it to your life. 

I can’t help but think where we would be as a nation and global community if an understanding of history and critical thinking were applied to those who blindly put their faith in the con artists, crooks, and sinister systems designed to divide and conquer the human spirit.

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DNC Blame Game and The Ruling Class

In 2016, Obama, Pelosi and Dem establishment told Biden not to run b/c he couldn't win. They convinced him to stay out of the primary so...