Friday, November 12, 2021

Short-Term Memory Americans

 Y'all really going to go after Biden after he cut child poverty in half, expanding vaccine program so every American could have access to lifesaving medicine, got another stimulus check, expanded Obamacare, stuck to the signed agreement by previous admin and left Afghanistan after 20 yr quagmire, passed more liberal judges through the Senate than even Obama, and passed a $1 trillion infrastructure bill that we haven't had for 30 yrs...and did this all with a 1 vote majority in the Senate in his first 9 months. Why?

Just cause he's not all the way there in his late 70s? 3 out of the last 4 Republican presidents have been demented, dumb AF, or  insane at a Hannibal level. Biden just wants to nap and not cause the world to panic by tweeting out bullshit at 3AM. You accepted a clearly senile Reagan, dumb as rocks Dubya who got us into 2 bullshit wars on lies, and a crazy ass sexual predator whose lies helped kill 500,000 Americans while he cozied up to Nazis and Putin. And you're pissed off b/c Biden isn't Obama sharp? 

Y'all need to go back to 2019 and 2020 to refresh yourselves on what GOP leadership can do: they will repeat lies that they know will kill half a million Americans so they make Fox News happy. They will use a pandemic to give tax breaks to billionaires. They will start a vaccine program and mismanage it so badly that Americans wouldn't have had widespread access to vaccines until the fall of 2021. And they will blatantly try to steal elections and overthrow the government when they don't win. This is not a discussion of conservatives vs. liberals. This is a homicidal authoritarian party built on stoking white fears that has no interest in democracy, life or the well-being of its citizens vs...a sleepy president who sort of gets the job done. 

But go ahead and destroy the one party still operating within the rules of sanity and law b/c they aren't perfect. You'll see what happens when the insane clown posse gets back in charge and makes everyone pay for their demented anti-science, anti-climate change, anti-fact white fears platform with more death and lies...but hey, the stock market billionaires will be happy for another tax break. 


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