Friday, February 19, 2021

30-Day Biden

 Just a reminder that the Biden administration spent the first month in office creating a national covid testing and vaccination plan from scratch to speed up vaccination by months and save a few hundred thousand lives because the previous administration did not have one excel spreadsheet of a clue, no extra stockpile of vaccines, and lied to all the states while 4,000 ppl were dying every day. The current administration is doing this while trying to get all the cabinet appointments approved despite Republican obstruction to key posts and roll out a $1.9 trillion covid relief bill that has to go through reconciliation because the entire GOP caucus is united in trying to block any extra relief or attempts to fix the problems they voted for because they would rather bet on continuing to wreck the country for 4 yrs and then blame it on Dems than helping Americans during the worst crisis in a century. And due to reconciliation rules passing stuff with a tie breaking majority in the Senate takes longer. And they are doing this while signing back up for Paris Climate Treaty, trying to fix Iran negotiations that previous administration wrecked, undo the catastrophe of China trade damage done by Trump, and hold together a zero-seat majority in Senate.

And a reminder...not one single Republican is willing to vote for $1400 checks, rebuilding the country, a national plan to do anything because they are so cynical and filled with bad faith that after helping to kill 500,000 Americans in a year while increasing their stock portfolio, they are hoping to recapture the Senate and House majority in 2 years by just blocking any attempt to help, suppressing black votes through hundreds of state bills to disenfranchise millions of legal voters, and just straight lying to people and hoping that Americans hamster-short attention span will benefit their outright brazen attempts to depress Dem voters who far outnumber their dwindling base of rage-addicted misinformed Trump cultists who tried to overthrow the government a little over a month ago after trying to use the courts to delegitimize an election. 

And still...Biden is not blaming anyone, going on Twitter to whine about the GOP, or trying to find some ethnic or religious scapegoat for the nation’s problems. In fact he just proposed an immigration bill to naturalize 11 million undocumented ppl who live here (and aren’t going back) and sent generators to deep red Texas without nary a cry about ‘red-state bailouts’ or Republican state handouts like the GOP Senate did when hundreds of thousands of ppl were dying and they thought it would be politically genius move to use the mass graves of dead Americans to blame Dem governors and win some elections. 

Just remember that throughout all this one party is betting on lies, black voter suppression, our short attention span, and economic sabotage to win. And the other party is trying to claw through generations of right-wing bullshit to save human lives. Clumsily working? Yes. Not as progressive as I would like them to be? Good God yes as I am strongly in favor of student loan forgiveness, $15 minimum wage, free healthcare, and a Green New Deal. But we are talking about an actual functioning party working imperfectly toward real solutions to help during a chaotic time of plague, economic depression, and political terrorism in which we impeached a president twice for trying to undermine our very way of life. So please step off with 30-day Biden hasn’t fixed all the problems yet. Lack of context, perspective, and knowledge about how government works under these conditions, plays into the hands of our nation’s most cynical and dangerous saboteurs.

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