Wednesday, December 11, 2019


I really really like "Marriage Story.' Admittedly, I have a weird neurotic spot in my heart for all things Noah Baumbach. Scarjo and Driver were amazing, so many-layered moments, great acting from Wallace Shawn and so many others. But...I also found myself laughing at all the LA LA LAND-ism in the movie, such as:

- this is what good experimental theatre looks like to film ppl: hop on my back and I'll carry you around stage while looking constipated. LOL!!!
- - hey, I'm poor and came from nothing. But I started up a successful director-based theatre company in NYC without a trust fund, or an insanely rich celebrity friend. I did with my vision. Btw, I don't live in a shoebox and I have an actual human child who, apparently, has healthcare. I can also afford to see a therapist. Did I mention I run a theatre company in 21st century NYC and I'm not rich?
- 'Guess what? I just won the MacArthur Grant. Yeah, it is really random. But you don't love me so I'm sad.' Um... as someone who has been awarded one big-money theatre prize in my entire life, I can tell you that you could have run over my dog and then shot him and -in that moment- I would have nodded like 'okokok, things happen. Hey, I won something!' And if I won the biggest prize in the arts- the MacArthur Grant- you could waterboard me a few times and I would still be like 'wow, that was kind of refreshing! We drinking tonight? Champagne on me!!'
- my experimental ELECTRA play is going to Broadway. Gosh, I hope it does well.
- my experimental ELECTRA play on Broadway did not go well but only b/c I wasn't there to guide the process (yeah, that's the reason) 😂😂😂
- new tv actor makes one observation and is told 'would you like to be in the writers' room? They would love you being there.' Ummm...would we?
- hey, you brand new actor...would you also like to direct TV? Well, you watched your ex-husband direct stageplays's almost like you could figure out this medium.
- hey, remember the unrealistic sci-fi tv show we set up? Not only is it a hit, but our lead actor just got nominated...for directing. She has a directorial vision now! Call her Miss Bossy Pants! She's in charge! But how did this happen? Well...feelings!!
- both our leads can't really sing or dance, so let's have them sing Sondheim to the camera. It will be really brave and vulnerable to watch to them on the struggle bus (like LA LA LAND). No, don't cutaway. Let's watch them sing out of tune for a few minutes. It serves no narrative purpose to go on this long but they're so brave to be that imperfect.
- hey, we're both the WILDLY successful .00001% now. I have a fucking MacArthur grant, a hot off-broadway theatre company, and a play that was on Broadway. Now let me take this job at.... UCLA so I can be closer to my ex-wife and sleepy-ass son who can't poop without encouragement. Yes, I am going to direct in Los a college...which is like going from directing in the West End of London to doing summer stock theatre in Peoria. I'm an insanely ambitious egotist to get this far in life, but I'm also going to light my entire career on fire b/c -awww shucks- I'm a dad first. Love ya bae! Now tie my shoes!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Excelente comparación con la la land escribes en otro idioma diferente al mío y me agrada saber que no soy la única con esa ideas de esa película es como que alguien escribió lo que pensé de l pelicula

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