Thursday, December 19, 2019

Impeachment Detractors and Pessimists

Donald Trump was impeached last night for abuse of power and obstruction of justice. In truth he has committed much greater crimes during his occupancy of the White House. In private, most Republican lawmakers detest him but continue to publically coordinate a blatant campaign to obfuscate Trump's obvious high crimes. Meanwhile, some online Dems didn't even wait for the vote to go into pessimistic mode: what difference does this make? Trump is going to be acquitted by the Senate, so it would have been better to do nothing, to ignore whistleblowers, ambassadors, and countless government workers sounded the alarms. It would have been better to let Trump try to rig the 2020 elections, use foreign countries to smear his opponents, coordinate with Russian intelligence to put the blame on the Ukraine (which is already happening). What difference does it make to follow the law under lawless leadership?

To the Trump impeachment pessimists and detractors: you do the right thing so you can look your kids in the eye. You do the right thing to maintain some integrity. You do the right thing to uphold a standard. When someone lies, cheats, steals, breaks laws...guess what? You still do the right thing. Even if the other side is stronger and wronger. Even if they acquit, even if the killer walks free, even if they laugh at you as being foolish or powerless. Black ppl have been forged in the fire of righteous action: hundreds of years doing 'the right thing' against more powerful and villainous forces. You don't sit at home and think 'oh well. Might as well do nothing' because you can't see the end of the road. You never know what so-called 'futile right action' leads to in the future. But guess what: you don't have control over the future. You only have control over the present moment...and here and impeach a president who has bribed, cheated, abused power, obstructed justice, laughed with our enemies, insulted our allies, betrayed our Kurdish friends, put kids in cages, enriched himself while in office, corrupted every branch of government with criminals and con artists. You do the right thing against terrifying immorality. Do not hang your head or give in to self-pity. You take joy in doing the right thing because your kids are watching, friends and family are watching. And maybe they will see you and do the right thing when they are faced with the same moral dilemma. 

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