Saturday, November 16, 2019

2020 Warning Signs

Despite corruption, racist policies, 40+ sexual assault allegations, environmentally devastating policies, record rates of resignations/firings and criminal conviction of official, impeachment, various acts of treason committed to enrich the Trump family, exploding deficits, student loan crisis, and worldwide hatred...I still think Trump is on track to be re-elected in 2020. Call me a pessimist, realist, catastrophist, whatever, I still think it's harder to kick out an incumbent president in an economically stable year than anything else, especially when the opposing party is lackluster, class-blind, and lacking a cohesive message.

If you think American voters can't disappoint you two times in a row, then remember the certainty ppl felt in 2004 that there was NO way the incompetent, barely-literate, lying Bush could be re-elected. And remember the shock-silent streets of NYC the day after Kerry lost. Bush lied about a war, he was hated around the globe, his tax cuts did NOT work, he exploded the debt, and his minions were ransacking the nation. But evangelicals still loved him, the GOP found wedge issues for certain states, and the mushy-centrist Dems decided that the best platform...was the quietest one. A safe, conservative, 'we're the adults in the room' appeal to America's reason and sense of justice. AHAHAHAHA, yeah the election became about the GOP finding ppl to lie about Kerry's "Vietnam record and the idiotic media chasing after the non-story instead of the disastrous president right in front of them. If you don't notice some of the themes between then and now, you're not paying attention. The parallels between 2004 and 2020...

1. The economy is good enough...for the wealthy and they will back him up. Right-wing media -which has even more of a hold on smaller markets thanks to Sinclair Media- will just pound the same story of 'fear the socialist' that will convince white voters in the middle of the country.

2. Unless Dems unify and go hard as fuck with a clear vision of a new American dream, they will propose unsatisfyingly bland policies to satisfy Pelosi and Schumer centrists. The platform will be blah, but propped up by 'diverse-looking' array of speakers which already sounds utterly boring and pandering.

3. The media will chase a bullshit #butheremails/Swiftboating story for the Dems. The GOP with the help of Fox News and Sinclair, will send out trial balloon scandals throughout 2020 to see which one hits the salacious buttons. And then they will pump up the volume on that story to an incredibly loud level. The more nonsensical the better: Pizzagate, child sex rings in DC, Illuminati sacrificial offerings. It no longer matters when 49-50% of the country no longer cares about facts. They will listen to the loudest and ugliest voice. Mainstream media outlets will feel the need to respond to the noise and, thus, report the fake story about Hunter Biden being Lucifer or Elizabeth Warren being a Trotskyite terrorist, or whatever bullshit. The conversation about Trump's abhorrent record will fade into the background of faux outrage against the Dem candidates controversy.

4. Around October 2020 will be the last great push. Trump is hated by about 60% of Americans. But the media will get bored with that story and the GOP will save an explosive Dem scandal (10% truth weaved together with 90% bullshit allegations) for an October surprise. The goal will be to scare Evangelicals with one great push AND to depress Dem voters into staying home or splitting to a third party.

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