Saturday, March 9, 2024

Biden's "Ok Boomer" Moment

 Disclaimer: I am NOT thrilled about a 2020 election rematch.

However, having said that ("Curb Your Enthusiasm" reference) Republicans running on "Biden so old..." ageism doesn't seem wise considering their base is old white voters and the Dem's base is old POC voters. You're about to unite two separate voting blocks of 60-70-80-90 year-olds and bring them together: old white and black/brown voters who don't like being told they're too old to do something. Also you're going to make ppl aware of ageism in our culture...and want to fight back against that by 'voting for the guy they say is too old.'

"Biden so old..." is essentially turning a 80-year-old incumbent with A LOT of policy problems into a cool choice if voters want to 'stick it to ageism.'

Given the past of the Biden campaign co-opting the "Let's Go Brandon" insult into their own "Dark Branden" joke to fundraise, I wouldn't be surprised if they start printing "Ok, Boomer" t-shirts to show pride in the Baby Boomer generation. And if they get these old white ppl to feel more tribal pride in their age than their race, a lot of them might actually vote for the old Dem in swing states.
Now round up a bunch of 60-70-80 yr old Hollywood stars and musicians to do videos about "not being too old for anything" and make it a DIY campaign where voters can talk about 'not being too old to lead' and start peeling away the older white women vote and motivating older blk voters to come out in Georgia and North Carolina.
Also campaign soundtrack choices:
"I'm Still Standing" by Elton John
"Don't Stop Me Now" by Queen
"La Macarena" (oh they'll love bringing this back.)
"Hot in Herre" (good for the summer and menopause crowds)
"U Can't Touch This" by MC Hammer (really leaning on 80s and 90s hip hop nostalgia here, but I think this will play well.)
This has been your free election advice, DNC. Don't mess this up. The GOP is handing you a golden egg. Ok, Boomer?

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