Sunday, September 17, 2023

Beetlejuicegate and Lauren Boebert

Rep Lauren Boebert was kicked out of a performance of the musical BEETLEJUICE for vaping on a pregnant woman, being loud, taking pictures, and groping on her date, while being groped. And she initially denied it before the theatre produced CCTV tape of her doing those exact acts. And I have some thoughts.

First off, it isn't the groping in public or the taking pics during a play, being disruptive, and vaping on pregnant women and kids in a performance that's so stunning to me. It is the continual, pathological ease at lying. It's the toxic narcissist's playbook of committing gross acts in public for the thrill of it, lying about all of it, doubling down and pivoting to gaslighting outrage...and then only pausing when they realize they were caught on CCTV. It's an entire wing of America's political system which has mastered this very dangerous sociopathic tendency while claiming moral superiority, patriotism, and Christianity as their's and their's alone. It's the fact that consideration of others has been completely removed from day-to-day interactions. And it's the fact that this antisocial narcissistic behavior has infused itself into the upper echelons of finance, tech, and gov. It's totally accepted to just flat out lie and gaslight ppl at the expense of other lives, health, stock investments, future...until you get caught and then issue an PR-written apology. And we are totally ok with it. As a culture we're almost numb to the Trumpian ability to tell obvious and egregious lies, and then have the liar explode in furious denial.. and then just continue on.  

The unfathomable level of entitlement necessary to do these in small ways -like at a performance of Beetlejuice- or in big ways (like officials lying about covid and knowingly killing their own citizens for social media clout) is what is so stunning. 

Like how do you sleep at night? Or is it such old hat that these ppl know they're lying, feign outrage, and then slip into an easy slumber with no pangs of regret. Did Lauren Boebert go home from Beetlejuice and think 'nailed it! Totally winning at life.' Or did she think 'boy, my kids would be proud.' Or did she not think anything of it or the lies, the disruption, the flipping off the security, yelling at people 'do you know who I am?' 

I've done many things I regret in life. But I actually REGRET them. And I go through a process of remorse, thinking about how to handle it better, some desire to apologize and make amends. I may not do it always but I at least think about it. 

Has the regret computer chip been removed from a growing number of ppl who are leaders? Or do leadership positions attract sociopaths and narcissists who never had the regret/remorse chip to begin with due to their psychological composition?

1 comment:

jeux de machine a sous en ligne said...

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