Monday, October 19, 2020

Death Meditation

 Last two days I switched up my morning meditations and started doing 'death meditations.' Ten yrs ago I took a class on mortality and the after life. The class assigned weekly meditations on death. Primarily focusing on the big 3

- death is certain

- the time is not (check the obits...all ages and reasons)

-  the only thing that can help me is non-material wisdom. 

I remember that ppl returned to weekly classes with greater clarity. Some students quit their unhappy jobs, ended toxic relationships, said 'fuck it life is too short...I'm going to do what I want.' One of the other things that happened is that ppl reported having incredible supernatural energy and focus coming out of gratitude b/c we meditated on the fact that so many things can kill me, so few things keep me alive. It takes millions of tiny correct actions each moment to keep going, arteries openings, natural clots dissolving, valves pumping, not choking on food, not being poisoned or getting sick. So you also wake up each morning like it's a freak miracle thinking 'OH MY GOD!! I DIDN'T DIE. I'M STILL HERE. I GOTTA DO SOMETHING. NOW! TODAY!" 

I woke up this morning and kept my computer off. I went to meditate on 'today might be it.' I had been thinking about starting up a not-for-profit foundation but I was waiting for a few things to play out. Fuck it, I emailed my accountant to start up the foundation. Let's do it. I emailed people and stayed off social media most of the day. I laughed with friends...ridiculously. Deliriously. I worked out b/c I wanted to and my body felt good. I go to sleep tonight knowing tomorrow isn't promised.

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