Sunday, July 19, 2020

2020: The Year of Clarity

This year ain't crazy. This year is just blunt. 2020 showing y'all what's been going on for real, no chaser, no nuance, no fancy rhetoric. We are living in a stone-cold, dead-ass sober reality of the way things have been...just exposed. The truth just looks crazy to ppl who are used to accepting lies. But we live in a crazy existence. We've been living in an unsustainable, burning, collapsing interlocking web of failing systems. The calls to #wearamask and #defundthepolice and #medicareforall and #universalbasicincome and #studentloanforgiveness and #freecollege are coming from a triggered awakening that every single mode of life has been desecrated and dehumanized by capitalism. People don't want to wear a mask in stores b/c they literally don't care if the employees get sick b/c they don't even see them as human beings worth valuing.The same cops that are beating protestors asses on Monday will be worried about their pensions getting ripped off by Wall Street on Friday. And they're not even aware that they're beating up protestors to protect moneyed interests who are actively trying to rip them off. If there was sanity, cops would be marching with protestors. The avg cop shouldn't be the community therapist, doctor, counselor. They're bad at it and cause harm. The community and the cop would be better served by an actual system that cares about human beings.

This year is a reckoning of our lifestyle and ethical systems. Human civilization has been around for 6,000 years. It only took Western Civilization 300 yrs to burn through all the natural resources, poison every oceans, create the concept of race to divide every single group against each other, inject hot liquid waste into the ground to bring up trash oil, create man-made earthquakes, spawn antibiotic-resistant superbugs, explode cancer rates, and almost wipe out all humans a few times by threatening to nuke ourselves off the planet. And in return we got...Pokemon Go and disposable diapers. And this is the height of Western European idealism: blind racism, insanely self-destructive greed, and the individual's desire for abstract things (like money and power) destroying the greater good of actual physical things needed for survival. We did it! Well, you did it mostly Western European civilization. Take a bow. Your apex is our death convulsion, and the GOP is the nadir of ahistorical racism, propaganda, and fanatic anti-intellectualism. But hey, what did those other continents of people do beside create self-sustaining, non-destructive systems of living with the world...aka all the models of successful civilizations. Too bad all these eco-friendly, culturally-dynamic, non-racist 'barbarians' were wiped out by guns, germs, and religious fanatics from Western Europe who were 'clearly superior' because they had grown resistant to their own diseases, superstitions disguised as genetic science, and biological as well psychological toxicity. We live in the abyss of Eurocentric capitalism and materialism. Life is devalued, earth is poisoned, and everyone looks around for a scapegoat amidst a global plague.

 If there was sanity, people would have social distanced and worn a mask for 3 months (march, april, may) and we would be OUT of this crisis. We would have seen rates plummet. If there was any social sense Congress would have paid ppl's salary for 3 months so that rent doesn't get jammed up, mortgages don't go into default, and the economy can go on while ppl stay out of harm's they can actually go back to work at 100%. In every single area of life, there is fundamental misunderstanding of our purpose on this planet. And after 4 months in which an administration aided and abetted the death of 140,000 Americans you wouldn't have the majority of white ppl still okay with that reality...unless deep down inside they don't care that 140,000 mothers, sisters, fathers, brothers are dead...mostly out of incompetence and cruelty that could have been avoided. We stand on mass graves created by our ignorance, greed, cruelty, and indifference to human beings. But at least scientists are designing cardboard hospital bed that can immediately be folded into coffins. At least the graves of our choices are now biodegradable.

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