Friday, May 8, 2020

Dow Jones Death Count

I was told not to look, but I couldn't help it. In the middle of the worst economic news in my lifetime I took a peek at my investment portfolio and saw that...everything is up. By a lot. Some investments are up 40%. the T. Rowe Price Global Tech fund more than doubled. 110%. I am trying to understand the discrepancy b/c...things are really screwed up.

The real employment rate is probably somewhere near 25%. Most small businesses don't have enough money to last another month. We are talking about the collapse of food supply, shortages, gov dysfunction, and millions of ppl falling into poverty...and all is good on Wall Street. Not just good...booming.

Is it delusional optimism before the bubble bursts, or the flood of foreign money that floods America during global panic b/c we are seen as a safe haven? Or maybe it's that the corporations got their bailouts and the status of the 1% is now so detached from the other 99% that the overall wellbeing of humanity does not matter to their bottom line? Or is it a combination of all factors?

Maybe Trump psychosis isn't so far off from reality...just not our reality. Maybe he is operating on a level of psychopathic wealth that is driving up the death toll and the Dow Jones. 

80,000 dead Americans by the end of this week. Wall Street celebrates the bull market. 

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