Monday, March 30, 2020

Random 'Rona Roll: A Stream of Thought...

- more American deaths than 9/11.
- and just like 9/11, this was preventable.
- so...what we investigating Hillary for next? Toe Fungus?
-our gov is lethally corrupt...but are you really using Chinese gov stats about their death toll as a factually verified comparison?
- Chinese gov sent ppl home when they didn't have beds and if they died there, it didn't count as the virus.
- btw, the Chinese gov is what Trump admin would be...if it was smart.
- so by process of inverted logic, America is Stupid China.
- I miss the good ol' days when we were just a stupid version of Canada.
- And still...Wuhan is reopening and probably in a lot better place than New Orleans, Detroit, NYC, and about a 100 other cities in America b/c despite the Chinese gov crooked cruelty...they test.
- Fox News literally killed their viewers with propaganda. Lying is contagious...and deadly.
- San Francisco flattening their curve...b/c they got ahead of the 'rona and sent ppl home early. Local hospitals open and not facing massive overflow. That could've been NYC...that could've been anywhere in America.
- so we look to that place Trump and the GOP like to call a liberal dump, a godawful sanctuary city, and an elitist hellhole...for hope.
- apparently, Seattle has also slowed 'rona virus by locking their city down.
- New Orleans too...even though their partying caused a spike...some say it's actually slowing down already b/c of emptying the streets.
- I really do hope the 100,000-200,000 death model turns out to be wildly overblown. I hope that NYC is the worst-case scenario b/c the heavy use of public transportation, population density, and the various population streams in the tri-states (NY, NJ, and CT) alll seem to dump into the center of NYC every day, making it a nuclear hotspot for contagions
- even during a good flu season, when one person gets a cold in NYC, it feels like within a few days 50% of the population is sick.
- over the last yr I didn't ride the subway to work once. I walked. When I couldn't walk, I took an Uber. And I was sick A LOT less this past fall and winter.
- in fact, I didn't miss one single day of work despite some times juggling multiple projects, staying up late, and being under a lot of pressure.
- if it's late at night and I can afford it, I just take a Lyft. It's not only the hassle of the subway, it's the long-delays which increase the crowd size waiting on the platform and also packs the subway cars late at night.
- MTA delays probably cause spikes in sickness, stress, and loss of work. Our deteriorating subway system mirrors are deteriorating immune system.
- I wonder if that MTA awareness changes the Cuomo love?
- In your next daddy governor fantasy about Cuomo, whisper softly into his ear 'fix the fucking MTA, you cocksucker.'
-if enough of us keep sending out that sexual fantasy, maybe our collective sexual consciousness will penetrate his soul. He'll wake up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat thinking 'that was the wildest orgy dream I've ever had in a stalled subway car. Maybe I should fix the MTA.'

1 comment:

Carol Lashof said...

You’re brilliant. Thank you. Grateful to be living in the SF Bay area, and so worried about my daughter in NYC. Just sent this to her.

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