Friday, January 17, 2020

2020 Woke Olympics

Is there any space for a black political contrarian? Not conservative, very liberal, but also not into the woketheatrical displays. I have never been able to fake it.

I've written about this before, but in middle school during the LA Riots, the adminstrators -who were well-intentioned- wanted to hold an open forum about Rodney King. Even as a kid I knew 'this is going to be absolute and utter bullshit and talk show shouting, and randomness.' There was no order to the event except 'we understand you're upset.'  I was probably one or two black students who just...couldn't force myself to go the event. I was called a 'sellout' b/c I didn't want to participate in 'group shouting' which is exactly what the event turned out to friends who went said it was terrible and ppl were just screaming.

In college they were going to hold an 'anti-hate' rally. It was supposed to be covering...I guess...all hate everywhere. Against women, poc, immigrants. My friends went and the organizer tried to sign me up. I was like 'this rally sounds stupid and vague.' She got upset with me or maybe she thought I was secretly Republican. I just found the idea of marching against 'general hate' to be so pointless and self-congratulatory that it might as well have been on Biden's Mularkey Express. To this day, I still don't understand why you would march for 'anti-hate' instead of marching for love? Or why not march for a specific love like...#blacklivesmatter, gaypride, or freaking St. Paddy's Day. Why march against hate...why give power to the thing you're trying to avoid?

In 2020, I see the DNC through this wrong-headed diversity, anti-Trump display of theatrics. I'm not interested in bland diversity organized by old white liberals who never get their hands dirty or challenge corporations. I'm not interested in screaming my head off in a rally of people who all hate Trump so we can go over all the things we already know about his monstrous administration. 

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