Friday, October 18, 2019

Training Day

Tonight a friend told me a story about handing out fliers for the Chicago Transit workers strike in the 1990s... btw, the friend in this story is a white guy from the Midwest. The cops rolled up on his group of volunteers beat up everyone. One cop, in particular, smashed this guy's face in, dragged him to the ground, and continued to beat him. My friend spent the night in prison for 'assaulting' the officer but the charges were dismissed when the cop didn't show up for the trial.

Twenty-three yrs later he gets a call from Chicago last week. The DA thinks the cop who tore his face apart, jailed him, and filed a false charge perhaps might be -and I say this very carefully b/c, as we know, #bluelivesmatter-  a bit of a bad apple. The attorneys asked him if he could testify b/c they're trying to get this cop kicked off the force. So... he concluded... maybe there is justice after all. It just takes time.

Hmmm. We sat staring at each other. I asked... so he's been on the force for at least 23 years after that incident?


You think you were the only one who got beat up?


Who do you think he was probably beating up for those 23 yrs between you getting punched out for handing out fliers?

"Oh, it was a mostly black probably, um..."

Why are they asking you to testify about a dirty cop based upon something that happened to you 23 yrs ago?

"They said I would be more credible in front of a jury..." and then he stopped for a second. It's one of those epiphany moments when a light goes BING!

It's been a pleasure working with you. I will send you a bill for my consultation time. Thank you very much and goodnight.

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