Tuesday, April 16, 2019

The Future is the Black Now

Blacks ppl are the canary in the mine/crystal ball of America. We tell you where things are heading about 2-3 generations before they happen.

Black Person: Drugs are destroying our community because our youth feel helpless and alienated.
Gov: Take responsibility and stop being lazy.
White Person (20 yrs later): Opioid addiction is wiping out towns b/c our youth feel helpless and alienated.
Gov: OMG we need to declare a national emergency and help everyone.

Black Person: Gun violence is crazy and out of control with gangs of angry young men shooting ppl.
Media: I'd like to label these young men 'superpredators' and blame it on your broken homes. Take responsibility for systemic problems you can't control.
White Person (20 yrs later): Gun violence by angry young men is killing our children.
Media: National Emergency! We need to do something about these troubled complex teens.

Black Person: Banks are ripping us off with these loans and destroying the community.
Gov: Well you just need to be smarter. Take responsibility!
White Person (2008): These subprime mortgages and shady loans just destroyed the economy.
Gov: Quick: here's an all hands on deck plan, and $800 billion in a suitcase. National Emergency!

Black person: Police have become an insanely violent military force killing unarmed people.
Gov: Well you need to just follow the rules harder. Absolute obedience and everything should be fine.
White Person: The SWAT team just busted down my door and almost killed me over a parking ticket.
Gov: Maybe handing the cops surface-to-air missiles was a bit too much power.

Black Person: Hey look I just did this thing with my mouth and created this beat. Like I'm beating a box.
Media: Sounds stupid and primitive.
Justin Timberlake (30 damn yrs later): Hey guys: check this out.
Media: Here's all the awards!!

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