Thursday, October 4, 2018

The Conservative Culture War: In Context

If they really cared about stopping abortion, then these same GOP think tanks wouldn't support and fund sterilization clinics for Black women.

If they really cared about a gun owner's rights, then the NRA would have been out there with #blacklivesmatter to protest Philando Castille and other legal black gun owners who have been wrongfully killed.

If they really cared about men being wrongfully accused of rape and harassment, then they would have spoken out against the centuries of countless black men who have been jailed and/or lynched...often on trumped up charges of rape in order to incite a white mob.

If they really cared about wrongful rape accusation, the leader of their party wouldn't be a devout Central Park 5 conspiracist who took out full page ads asking for the execution of black men wrongfully accused and exonerated from crimes.

If they really cared about AIDS and STDs, then it wouldn't have taken Ryan White being on the cover of Time for Reagan to wake up.

If they really cared about stopping drugs, then they would have been out here when crack and heroin was ravaging the urban hubs of America for decades. And instead of jailing black drug addicts and blaming the problem on black fathers, there would have been bipartisan solutions back then, and not just now because white kids are popping pills in the suburbs.

If they really thought that 'Blue Lives Matter' then they would speak out against alt-right terrorists, and fringe militias steeped in government hatred. These radical, white supremacist elements are violent, organized and represent the greatest current threat to law enforcement in America...not unarmed black teens.

If they really cared about stopping censorship, then they wouldn't object to black people kneeling in protest, marching, and organizing for basic rights.

But on every conservative cultural issue (referred to as the four F's) flags, fetuses, firearms,, gays- 70-80% of white people have gleefully stood by while other people are muzzled, raped, sterilized, aborted, lynched, shot in their homes, and entire cities razed to the ground. It's a slow-moving genocide on all fronts that is paid for, supported, and carried out by white Christians. And it's at the heart of American cultural and religious hypocrisy.

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