Thursday, September 27, 2018

The Kavanaugh Hearing: A View of Entitled Lying

In one afternoon testimony, Justice Kavanaugh lied about:
- devil's triangle
- boffing
- what he meant by Renate alum
- his drinking pal Mark Judge and what he meant when he named a black-out drunk character "Kavanaugh."
- the "fact" that he didn't watch Ford's testimony (he did)
- about how going to church is like brushing his teeth
- about the level of his drinking and coherence.
- about his perfect memory when drinking and how he never abused alcohol or loses control...while screaming his testimony.
- about why Mark Judge doesn't need to testify.

Now, each one of these lies by themselves means very little. But taken together, it shows an officer of the court who lies easily, fluidly, without hesitation. Behind a veil of tears, he lies about sex, drinking, his friends, his positions on women's rights, his understanding of many laws, the potential of impeachment. He lies about big things, small personal details, and philosophical points. Each time he commits one of these acts it's cloaked with entitlement and indignation. He lies so easily because it's a habit. He lies with a passionate fury because his appetites are more important than his ethics.

These are the lies in one afternoon that show he doesn't have the ethics for the high court. And his sneering delivery shows he doesn't have the temperament. All he really has is the right skin color, country club, and sense of entitlement. And that might be enough.

The guilt-est guy I ever met reacted in this exact Kavanaugh way when confronted with FACTS of his harassment and abuse: crying, yelling, raging, disbelief that he was being called out for his behavior, repeatedly saying over and over again 'is this really happening?' This took place over 2 HOURS. Non-stop tears, red-faced indignation, casting the blame on other people, never admitting to even one single fact. And when I asked him about more accusations, it became personal: I was evil if I didn't believe him. I had to pick a side. This is what a predator does and I have witnessed this firsthand, face-to-face. They use their emotions to bully. They are not humble. They will never admit to one, single fact. Not even the dates or times. Just like Cosby. Just like Weinstein. Just like Trump. They will deny the existence of the 'sun' and tell you that you're evil if you try to look out the window to verify their claim. They want your obedience, not questions. They don't seek the truth, but unquestioned loyalty. It is the cult of #malefragility, #whitefragility and the GOP.


Anne Flanagan said...

You've summed it up perfectly. It's infuriating, heart breaking and soul killing.

Mildred said...

Not just lying, but stonewalling.

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