Wednesday, November 7, 2012

GET WHAT YOU WANT: November 2012

Yale Institute for Music Theatre
Deadline: January 8th

Now in its fifth year, the Yale Institute for Music Theatre is a program of the Yale School of Drama (James Bundy, Dean) that bridges the gap between training and the professional world for emerging composers, book writers, and lyricists. A laboratory for the development of music theatre works, the Institute offers a two-week summer residency in New Haven from June 3 to 16, 2013. Up to three works will be selected.
The Institute encourages rigorous exploration, experimentation, and collaboration in an intensive lab setting. The authors of the selected projects will be matched with professional directors and music directors, as well as a company of actors and singers that includes professionals from New York and current Yale students. The residency culminates in open rehearsal readings of each project, presented as part of the International Festival of Arts & Ideas.

Each member of the writing team will receive an honorarium of $1,000, as well as round-trip transportation and accommodation in New Haven.
Submissions must be received by January 8, 2013. The selections will be announced by March 15, 2013.
Book musicals and other imaginative non-traditional music theatre projects are welcome. Only composers, book writers, or lyricists who are current graduate students; or who have graduated from an accredited degree-granting institution (undergraduate or graduate) within the past five years; or who are current Yale students are eligible to apply. Past Institute participants are welcome to apply, provided they still meet the program’s eligibility requirements.

For more information, application, and guidelines, visit our website at Please encourage any eligible artists you know to apply, and feel free to pass this announcement along to others who could help spread the word of this unique opportunity.

University of the Arts New Play Festival
Deadline: Nov. 9th

The New Play Festival at the University of the Arts intends to cultivate artists through developing their plays and musicals. It also provides an invaluable opportunity for our students to work with professionals in new play development.  This January, we will develop 1 new full-length play and 1 new musical at the University.

Selected pieces will be given rehearsal time in our studio spaces as well as two staged readings in the 230-seat Arts Bank Theater at The University of the Arts in Philadelphia. The New Play Festival will be held between January 21st-February 3rd, 2013 at University of the Arts in Philadelphia.

We will provide:

  • Travel and Housing (as required
  • Modest per diem
  • Rehearsal Time and Performance Space
  • Actors / Directors / Music Directors
  • Public Staged Reading

Please submit the following materials to :

1)   A brief synopsis of the show including time period and number of scene locations.
2)   A character breakdown including: age, sex, and a short description of each character.
3)   Development goals for the project.
4)   A developmental history of the play, no submission should have received a full production.
FOR A MUSICAL (we welcome large casts)
5)   CD or mp3 files of three songs along with sheet music (lead sheets are acceptable)
*Please send all files in PDF format.

For more information contact:

Middle Tennessee State U: 10 min plays
Deadline: Nov. 30th

Middle Tennessee State University seeks 10-minute plays for possible publication in its literary journal Poems & Plays. There is no fee. Limit of one play per playwright.

Send play to:

Poems & Plays
Gaylord Brewer, Editor
English Department
Middle Tennessee State University
Murfreesboro, TN 37132

Asuncion Playwrights Project
Deadline: Nov. 14th

Pregones Theater's Asunción Playwrights Project showcases the work of Latino and Latina playwrights exploring issues of difference and transformation at the limits of queer identity. The project fosters fun and genuine dialogue between playwrights, theatermakers, LGBTQ communities, and a general audience. We especially seek works that challenge normative straight/gay binaries. Submissions by women writers are encouraged. Both Spanish and English language manuscripts are welcome.
Finalists commit to a public reading and open discussion. A panel of peers, industry professionals, scholars, critics and previous winners makes the final selection of the year's winning play.

The winner recieves a $500 award and the play is given a professionally cast workshop production at Pregones Theater.

Selection Process
The selection process is made up of two preliminary rounds.
The first round is open to all. A completed application form must be submitted with a 10 page sample of the work.
The second round is by invitation only. Up to eight playwrights from the first round are invited to submit their work in its entirety for final review. The public readings are selected from this group of finalists.
All plays must be original, full length works for the stage that have never been produced and are not currently under option. Plays may be submitted in Spanish or English. Monologues and/or one-person shows will not be considered. Asunción will only consider works of superior artistic rigor that meet two or more of the project's criteria:

  • explore issues of difference and transformation at the limits of queer identity;
  • challenge normative assumptions of gender;
  • present Latino spiritual and sensual explorations beyond the boundaries of gender and essentialist notions of sexual orientation;
  • go beyond coming out stories;
  • challenge normative notions of family;
  • dwell in alterity and encounter;
  • place queer expectations of love and sex in a Latino cultural/historical context;
  • are significant to the lives of Latino lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered, and queer people.

The Asunción Playwrights Project is recognized with a special merit recognition from HOLA Organization of Latin Actors and a feature in Ollantay Theater Magazine.

APPLICATION guidelines:

  1. Download and complete the Asunción Application Form.
  2. Create a PDF sample with a brief description of the play and a selectio of NO MORE THAN 10 CONSECUTIVE PAGES from any part of your script. DO NOT SUBMIT A FULL COPY OF THE SCRIPT.
  3. PDF samples must be word-processed in typeface no smaller than 12 point, and double-spaced. You may submit works in either English or Spanish.
  4. If you are submitting more than one script, you must complete an application for each work. No more than two entries per writer will be accepted each year.
  5. Include a copy of your resume with the application.
  6. Email your completed application, work sample and resume to:
  7. All applications must be submitted only by the playwright. No agents or representatives.

Last Frontier Theatre Conference
Deadline: Jan. 5th

Prince William Sound Community College ( presents the 21st Annual Last Frontier Theatre Conference (

The Last Frontier Theatre Conference has released its Call for Plays for the 2013 Play Lab. This year, the Conference will be May 19-25. Selected plays receive a public reading, with both public and private feedback sessions led by theatre professionals. Authors must register for the Conference and be in attendance for their reading.

Accepted writers will also have an additional opportunity to present their work in the 10-Page Play Slam, the Monologue Workshop, and the late-night Fringe Festival.

Authors are asked to submit through the call for plays on the website, using the on-line form on the Play Lab link.


  • Plays must be received by January 5, 2013
  • One submission per author.
  • Submissions should run between 20 minutes and 2 hours.
  • They can be of any genre except musical.
  • The play should not have received a professional production; readings and amateur productions are acceptable.

Plays presented at the Conference have gone on to productions throughout Alaska and the rest of the United States due to the exposure received there. Questions can be addressed to Conference Coordinator Dawson Moore at 907-834-1614 or

Sundance Theatre Lab
Deadline: Nov. 15th

The Theatre Lab welcomes applications for projects at any stage of development.Submitted work cannot have been previously produced, but may have received prior workshops or readings. In addition, projects scheduled to receive a production before October 28, 2013, are not eligible due to our agreement with Actors' Equity Association. Commissioned work is eligible for submission, however, playwrights must obtain written permission from their commissioning organization prior to applying.

Playwrights, directors, composers, ensembles, performance artists, or choreographers may submit applications. Playwright/director teams are permitted and encouraged to apply together; however, if you do not have a director attached to your project, please note that Sundance Institute will help to match you up with a director if your play is selected for inclusion in the Theatre Lab. Many emerging playwrights do not have access to a director and Sundance Institute is positioned to match these artists with an experienced director.

Sundance Institute is interested in both established and emerging theatre artists, as well as artists making a transition from areas outside of theatre. We welcome solo performers and projects for young audiences. Participants must be available for the entire length of the Theatre Lab (July 8-28, 2013). Artists may only submit one application. Previous applicants may re-apply, but not with previously submitted material.

Project Selection

Through open submissions, we consider an estimated 700+ projects. Sundance Institute looks for original, compelling, human stories that reflect the independent vision of the theatre artist. We are interested in supporting a diverse and daring group of theatre artists who tell unique stories, present material in a new form, or conceptualize existing material with an innovative vision. We look for writers and collaborators who are interested in genuinely exploring their material. The Theatre Lab is more than a place to “rehearse”; it is an environment that encourages and supports risk-taking, experimentation, and rigorous re-writing and re-imagining. In order for Sundance Institute to fully evaluate your submission, we require a 1-2 page artistic statement as part of the application (see below for additional information).

Each full-time Fellow (playwright, director, collaborator) receives a $1500 honorarium and company of actors (if applicable), selected by Sundance Institute in collaboration with the Fellows, to support their project. Actors are selected for their professionalism, versatility, and suitability for the development process. Actors operate on a Special Agreement with Actors’ Equity Association during the Theatre Lab.

Sundance Institute dramaturgs, a team of highly skilled professionals made up of affiliated senior dramaturgs and guest dramaturgs with wide experience in the realm of new play development, are uniquely qualified to provide engaged, considered, and empowering guidance to the projects during the Theatre Labs, to offer fresh perspectives on the work at hand, and to ensure the primacy of the participating artist’s independent vision. The Theatre Lab sees itself as a complement to, not a replacement of, any pre-existing developmental relationships participating artists may have on a given project, and is sensitive to the process of “passing the baton” at the conclusion of the Theatre Lab. We strongly encourage that each rehearsal room is open to members of the Lab community for quiet observation. If you do not feel comfortable allowing colleagues to observe your rehearsal process, the Sundance Institute Theatre Program may not be the most appropriate place for you.

Complete the online application form and upload your materials electronically. After submitting your materials online, you will receive an email that contains your Log Number.Please use this number in all communications with the Theatre Program. Materials to include:
  • Script Draft of your play or musical (unprotected Word or PDF document)
  • Artistic Statement (If applying as a playwright/director team, Sundance Institute requires a statement from both the playwright and director)
    • Describe the status of the project, including prior readings and workshops, and what you hope to accomplish at the Lab. Include comments on the content, style of the piece, and the team's objectives for the workshop.
  • Resumes/Bios for each collaborator
  • Letter of acknowledgement from a commissioning organization (if applicable)
  • $35 non-refundable application processing fee payable by credit card on the online application or send a check payable to SUNDANCE INSTITUTE (referencing your log number) with your application materials.

Step Two

If applying with a musical, dance project, or visual-based piece, FIRST GET YOUR LOG NUMBER (see above), then send copies of your supplemental material (recorded music, sketches or renderings) via snail mail to:

  • Sundance Institute Theatre Lab Application
  • Log Number: [include log number here]
  • 180 Varick St, Suite 1330
  • New York, NY 10014
  • If you wish mailed materials to be returned, please enclose a large self-addressed stamped mailing envelope.
NOTE: If you do not have access to the Internet, please call the Theatre Program at 646-822-9564 and we will work with you to submit your materials using alternative methods.Please make every effort to utilize the online application as it ensures the safe delivery of your application and supports the Greening Initiative of Sundance Institute.

St. Louis Actors' Studio seeks plays for LaBute New Theater Festival
Deadline: Dec. 31st

Each July, beginning in 2012, St. Louis Actors' Studio will produce the "LaBute New Theater Festival."

The Theater Festival will run yearly at the Gaslight Theater, 358 North Boyle Avenue, St. Louis, MO 63108( Inaugural event July 5-28, 2013)

Submissions will be accepted October 1 through December 31, 2012.Successful entries will have no more than four characters, and be crafted specifically to exploit our intimate performance space. (18' x 18' stage) Changes in scenery or setting should be achievable quickly and with few major set moves.  Our focus is on fundamental dramaturgy: plot, character and theme.

Professional, new and previously unproduced one-act play submissions should include a letter of inquiry, a synopsis and a 10-page sample from the script.

Eight plays will be chosen: four to be performed in the first two weeks, four in the second two weeks.

Submissions should be sent to:

LaBute New Theater Festival
360 N Boyle
St. Louis, MO 63108

Geva Theatre
Deadline window: Nov 1- January 2013

Geva Theatre Center accepts submissions for full-length plays, musicals, translations and adaptations. Unproduced plays are considered for possible inclusion in all our play development programs, as well as for production on our stages.

Playwrights with professional representation may have their agents send full manuscripts at any time. Please note that lawyers and law firms do not qualify as "professional representation" in this venue.

Playwrights who are not working with agents may send a submission inquiry; for consideration please include a cover letter, resume or production history, synopsis, complete list of characters and ten-page dialogue sample. If you are submitting a musical, send a sample recording as well. Please include a stamped, self-addressed envelope if materials are to be returned. Direct your inquiry to:

Jean Ryon
New Plays Coordinator
Geva Theatre Center
75 Woodbury Blvd.
Rochester, NY 14607

Submissions are accepted on a rolling basis. After reviewing your query, we will let you know whether or not we wish to read the entire script. Please note: We do not accept materials submitted electronically.

The 7th Annual InspiraTO Playwriting Contest
web site
Deadline: Dec. 17th

Each year the InspiraTO Festival accepts ten-minute play submissions based on a theme on one of the senses. This year's theme is online.

Here's what we need from you, our potential playwright:

There is no submission fee. You may only enter ONE play (so make it count).

To submit your play go to the "submit your play to" link below and:

1. Fill out the submission form, completely.

2. Attach your script in a WORD document or in a PDF file. Hit "submit". The WORD document must be compatible with Window XP. (Note: Vista & Mac formats are not compatible).

3. The cover page should have the title of the play, the playwright's name and the list of characters. The pages should be numbered.

Submit your play to (click on the link):

All submissions must be emailed by midnight (E.S.T.), December 17th. Only those playwrights whose plays have been selected will be notified by January 25, 2012. The plays will be selected by a committee from the Toronto theatre community.

If selected, your play will be performed in Toronto, Canada in June 2013. Between 10 -18 ten-minute plays will be selected and performed. 1st Prize: $500 CDN.

The InspiraTO Festival, Canada's largest ten-minute play festival, now entering its seventh season, has produced 82 ten-minute plays with over 190 actors and 80 directors participating. The festival is dedicated to producing high quality ten-minute plays and making theatre more accessible to both audiences and theatre artists.

*A reminder:

The submission must be a play. A ten-minute play is distinct from a sketch, or a skit; it is a compact play, with a beginning, middle and an end. You need a character facing obstacles in pursuit of some specific goal. You need rising action, conflict, and a climactic moment. Your play must tell a complete story.

The submission must be 10 minutes. Generally speaking scripts (including the stage directions, character names and dialogue) that are over 1,900 words are more than ten minutes long on stage. This does not mean that all plays under 1,900 words are under ten minutes. So be wise - use Word Count. It also helps to read the play out loud and time it (keeping in mind all the pauses). You don't want your hard work rejected because it was too long.

The submission must include the theme of "vision/sight" and be integral to the play. Use your imagination i.e. the image of a past lover inspires a character to leave home; a ‘lost dream' fuels a character to action; characters in a play see a burning forest etc. "Vision" or "sight" re-enforces the theme, message or acts as a metaphor for the play.

LSU Outworks 2013
Deadline: December 8th
Award:  $150 and production videotape

LSU is now accepting submissions for Outworks 2013, a festival of new lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered or queer (LGBTQ) themed one-act plays.   

Submissions must be the author's own original work. Each entry shall be free from copyright restrictions and the author agrees to hold LSU, its officers, and directors free and harmless from all copyright claims.
  • Scripts must be LGBTQ-themed.  
  • Submissions must be one-act plays, ranging from (20) twenty to (30) thirty minutes in length.   
  • There is a limit of two scripts per playwright.
  • All Entries should be submitted in Microsoft Word or PDF format via e-mail to with “Outworks 2013” in the subject line.
  • Deadline is December 8, 2012
  • Scheduled production dates are April 30 – May 5, 2013
Submissions will be read and scored by a faculty/student committee. The committee will select six plays.  These six playwrights will receive $150 in monetary compensation, each play selected will be guaranteed three staged
performances, and each playwright will receive a video of his/her production.  Playwrights wishing to attend the festival are responsible for all travel expenses.  

The LSU Theatre Lab season retains all rights and privileges concerning casting, production, and programming for Outworks. LSU Theatre reserves the right to:
Reproduce as many copies of the play as are necessary for distribution to the judges and participants in the production.
Videotape the performance for archival purposes.
Use the title, author's name and images from the production for publicity purposes related to the Outworks Festival.  

The final play list will be announced January 21, 2013.  

Submissions sent via email are preferred.  Please send submissions or inquiries to:  

Nichole Ingalsbe and Macy Jones, Outworks Festival Curators, at: and put “Outworks 2013” in the subject line.

Stage Q
Deadline: Dec. 14th

StageQ invites you to submit a short play for our eighth annual festival of short queer plays, Queer Shorts 8. Queer Shorts 1 - 7 were sold-out smash hits, and you could be part of the fun during our 2013 playfest!

Plays should be no longer than 15 minutes in length, and are due

December 14, 2012.

Please include a one-page precis, including:

* One-paragraph description of the plot

* Casting requirements (number of actors, gender, ages, special

requirements, if any)

* Set requirements (remember, this is a playfest with 10 - 12 plays

in one evening; we use cubes to create the sets; simple is better!)

* Running time (no more than 15 minutes!)

* Special technical requirements, if any

* Who is the intended audience?

* Is there lesbian, gay or other queer content? (Required)

* Is there nudity? Adult language?

* If a musical, is there a written score?

*** If a musical, what are the instrumental requirements? Vocal


Please send us no more than 3 scripts. And please don't re-submit scripts that you have sent us in the past.

You can email your script and precis to


We have a strong preference for receiving scripts electronically. But if that's not possible for you, send via snail mail to:


Queer Shorts c/o StageQ

113 E Mifflin Street

Madison, WI. 53703
We're serious about the 15 minute time limit. 5 or 10 minutes would be even better. We'd love to have a musical in the fest! And call us language snobs, but synopses and scripts full of typos, spelling, grammatical and syntactical errors are not going to knock our socks off. We read almost 300 scripts for Queer Shorts each year and accept 10 or 11, so make yours easy for us to love.

We acknowledge all scripts received, so if you dontt hear back from us within a couple of weeks, we didn't receive your submission. We'll also let you know by early April, 2013 whether or not we selected your script, but please don't start bugging us about it on April 1st.
Queer Shorts 8 will be performed June 7-15, at the Bartell Theatre in Madison, Wisconsin, with possible teaser performances as part of other events in the spring and summer of 2013.

12. *CONTEST REMOVED* (no longer in existence)

Women's Theatre Project (in Florida) and GIRL

GIRL PLAY, their Fourth Lesbian Short Play Reading Series.
Deadline: March 31st

The staged readings will take place June 22, 23 and 24, 2013 at Art Gallery 21 at The Woman's Club of Wilton Manors, FL.  We will choose between 14-16 scripts and present them in two programs, Friday and Saturday night.  Audiences will vote on their favorite scripts and the “Best of the Fest” will be presented again at the Sunday matinee.
Seeking short plays (5-12 minutes-figure one minute a page); written by women with a lesbian theme; cast limit (women and men) is 2-8.
Limited submission:  No more than 2 scripts per playwright.
Scripts may be submitted to: with Lesbian Playwriting Festival 2013 written in subject line.
General Submissions
The Artistic Steering Committee of The Women’s Theatre Project spends many hours researching, meeting and reading scripts by female playwrights for production consideration. Each script meeting our submission guidelines is read by a minimum of two readers. All script decisions are acknowledged by a postcard. The Women's Theatre Project produces four productions each calendar year. Royalties are paid to playwrights/publishing companies.
Guidelines for submission:
The Women’s Theatre Project seeks submissions of full-length plays with ALL FEMALE casts by female playwrights for our intimate, professional black box theatre. Submissions accepted via email at: or by mail at:
The Women's Theatre Project
1314 E. Las Olas Blvd. # 31
Ft Lauderdale, FL 33301

Telluride Playwrights Festival
Deadline: end of February
Sparky Productions produces this small, intimate festival in the beautiful, historic town of Telluride, Colorado in the summer of 2013. We provide travel expenses, housing and an evening communal meal. The participants meet most days when not rewriting. We are currently accepting submissions.  We charge a small submission fee that helps us cover the expenses of travel,  meals and lodging for playwrights.    We are primarily interested in stories that provoke our attention and change us.   Challenging, funny, tragic, outrageous, well written and thoughtful, that’s what we’re looking for.   Plays that are nearly there but could do with a little extra push with our help.   In the past the plays we’ve worked on have gone on to be produced in larger cities such as Denver, New York and Chicago with the label  ”MADE IN TELLURIDE”
Please email play in pdf format, along with resume and synopsis.  Cast size no more than FIVE characters.  Go to SUPPORT and press 'donate' button to submit $10 fee.
Send us your exciting, ground breaking new work.   Submission entries will close at the end of February.   We will notify chosen playwrights beginning of April.  
Email play to
Please click here for more information.

Eden Prairie Players
Deadline: Jan. 15th

Eden Prairie Players is accepting submissions of original, unpublished one act plays for its 2013 Collection of One Acts, to be produced in September 2013. We are looking for plays of varying length of at most 45 minutes, but most of the ones we select are in the 10 to 30 minute range. We try to fit about six plays in a production of two to two and a half hours. Comedies and dramas are accepted. This will be our ninth year of producing A Collection of One Acts, and the fourth year of including unpublished works.

Length 45 minutes or under (we typically select most in the 10-30 minute range)
This year we are allowing only one submission per playwright.
Submit play as a single computer file (PDF strongly preferred) – hard copies NOT accepted
Submit through the online submission form:
Playwright contact information - name, email, address, phone.
Name of play.
Approximate duration.
List of characters / descriptions: age, gender, race, etc. (please list allowable deviations)
Short synopsis of the play, including a description of recommended set pieces and props
After form is submitted, you will receive an email from with instructions for submitting the file as an email attachment. If you do not see this in your inbox shortly after submitting, you should check your Junk Mail folder. If you use a whitelist tool to prevent spam, please add this address to your whitelist. We will not handle bounced emails in a timely manner.
The deadline for submissions is January 15, 2013. However, we are only committed to reviewing the first 250 plays submitted for the 2013 season. Any received beyond that may be saved for 2014. We will change the submission form at that time, so you will know which year your play with be considered for.
Selected plays will be paid a royalty of $15 per performance (we usually have 5-7 performances).
No compensation for selection process: By submitting your play(s) for consideration, you give Eden Prairie Players permission to make copies as needed for the selection process. You also give permission for your play to be performed without payment at unrehearsed table readings as part of the selection process.
To begin the submission process, go to the One Acts Submission Form.

McKnight National Residency
Deadline: Nov. 15th

Supported by a grant from The McKnight Foundation, this program aids in the commissioning and development of new works from nationally recognized playwrights. The recipient playwright receives a $12,500 commission, paid to the playwright according to an agreed upon schedule, at least two U.S. round-trip airline tickets, housing during the residency period, up to $5,000 in workshop funds to support the development of the play, a public reading of the commissioned play, and participation in the fall Fellowship Retreat.

Applications are screened for eligibility by the Playwrights' Center and evaluated by an initial select panel of professional theater artists; finalists are then evaluated by a second panel of Minnesota theater artists. Selection is based on artistic excellence, professional achievement, and proposed residency plans, and is guided by the Playwrights' Center's mission statement. Playwrights' Center staff do not participate in selection decisions.
NOTE: MN-based playwrights are NOT eligible for this residency
Click here for specific guidelines and application form.
Please email Laura Leffler-McCabe with questions.

Jerome Fellowship
Deadline: Nov. 29th

Jerome Fellowships The Playwrights' Center Jerome Fellowships are awarded annually, providing emerging American playwrights with funds and services to aid them in the development of their craft. Four $16,000 fellowships will be awarded in 2013, in addition to $1,500 in development support. Fellows spend a year-long residency in Minnesota and have access to Center opportunities, including workshops with professional directors, dramaturgs and actors.

Selection Process
Applicants are screened for eligibility by the Playwrights' Center and evaluated by an initial select panel of professional theater artists; finalists are then evaluated by a second panel of national theater artists. Selection is based on artistic excellence, potential for growth, and commitment to a vital life working in the field. The selection process is guided by the Playwrights' Center's mission statement. The Playwrights' Center does not participate in selection decisions.
All US-based playwrights are welcome to apply, provided they are able to relocate to Minneapolis for the duration of the Fellowship.
Click here for more information and to download Application andReference Form.
Please email Laura Leffler-McCabe with questions.

Cunningham Commission for Youth Theatre
Deadline: Dec. 1st

The Cunningham Commission for Youth Theatre is an annual award geared toward generating new plays for families and young audiences. Each commission begins the process of developing a play for production by The Theatre School’s award-winning Chicago Playworks for Families and Young Audiences children’s theatre.

The commission honors the memory of the Rev. Donald Cunningham, a Chicago priest, playwright and lover of the theatre. Funded by an endowment gift from the Cunningham family in 1991, the program seeks to recognize and encourage the writing of dramatic works for young audiences that affirm the centrality of religion, broadly defined, and the human quest for meaning, truth and community.

The commission encourages Chicago-area playwrights to write for an audience they may not previously have considered and offers the potential for a fully realized production of the new play. Students at The Theatre School, in turn, get the opportunity to collaborate with a professional playwright on a new work.

The Cunningham Commission program is partially inspired by the work of Charlotte B. Chorpenning, who headed the Goodman Children’s Theatre (now Chicago Playworks) from 1931 to 1955. During her lifetime, Chorpenning wrote at least 55 plays, virtually doubling the mid-century repertoire of American children’s plays at a time when few professional playwrights wrote for young audiences. Her work is still considered a landmark in children’s theatre, and The Theatre School expects the plays developed through the Cunningham Commission to be just as influential, especially as the importance and prominence of theatre for youth rises across the nation.

If you are interested in applying for the Cunningham Commission, please follow our Submission Guidelines.

WordBRIDGE Playwrights Lab
Deadline: Nov. 30th

WordBRIDGE seeks bold, innovative scripts that illustrate potential, but are nascent in their development and able to profit from two weeks of work in our professional laboratory. WordBRIDGE provides a safe, supportive environment that allows each playwright to engineer a unique process in consultation with a roster of compassionate, critical professionals and artists from a variety of fields that have included theatre, psychology, visual arts, storytelling, mathematics, music, movement and more.

Pre-professional playwrights are welcome to apply (Pre-professional playwrights include undergraduate and graduate playwrights, and playwrights who have not received a professional production of their work).
WordBRIDGE accepts full length works or long one acts, including solo performance projects.
Application to WordBRIDGE consists of:
  • A playwright online application, available on the Application Page, includes the following:
  • Your contact information. You must include complete and correct contact information, as this is the only way we have of reaching you if any problem occurs with your application.
  • An electronic copy of your script, uploaded to our database via the application page mentioned above.
  • The name of your nominator.
  • A letter of nomination from a theatre professional or playwriting professor.
Playwrights, if your nominator has not already contacted us, you must supply your nominator with:
  • The e-mail address with which you applied to WordBRIDGE (they will be asked for it, and this will be how we match their nomination to your application).
  • The following web address to the Nomination Page:
    • There they will be able to submit their contact information and upload the letter of nomination.
Nominations are accepted between October 15th and November 30th, 2012
Housing, food and travel will be provided to selected playwrights.
For information on previous WordBRIDGE labs, click here.
If you have questions about the WordBRIDGE Playwrights Laboratory, or the application process, please e-mail us at: info(at)
If you have any questions/difficulties with the online forms, or if it has been more than a week since you submitted your application and you have not received a confirmation e-mail from us, you can e-mail : help(at)

Interobang Theatre
Deadline: Dec 31st

Interrobang Theatre Project, a Chicago-based theatre company dedicated to plays that challenge both audiences’ beliefs and theatrical conventions, is soliciting play submissions for its 2013-2014 season. Interrobang seeks submissions that experiment with unorthodox approaches to themes and dramatic structure, designed to provoke audience introspection and that support aesthetic-challenging productions.       
Interested authors should submit a 20 page excerpt from their play, a brief synopsis of the play, and resume along with an introductory e-mail and/or cover letter. All submissions will be reviewed within in 6-8 weeks of their receipt.  
Please send electronic submissions to Jeffry Stanton, with a CC No hard copy submissions or phone calls, please.

Kitchen Dog
Deadline: Jan. 1st

Scripts must be received by January 1, 2013 to be considered for the 2013 Festival. Each year, Kitchen Dog Theater selects one original script to receive: A fully staged production (as part of our regular season – a five-week run), Paid travel to Dallas, TX (if necessary) to work with the Director, Cast and Crew, and a royalty stipend (amount TBD). Seven other original scripts will be selected for staged readings as part of the Festival (travel not included).

Prospective scripts must meet the following guidelines:
-Full-length plays only (preferably one hour or longer)
-Submitted scripts must be type-written
-Completed scripts only
-Do not include a synopsis and/or reviews (if any) of the play
-Ideally have between one and five actors (character doubling acceptable)
-There are no restrictions on play content.
Only one script per playwright may be submitted.
All unproduced scripts will be recycled.
Please send your script with cover letter to:
Attn: Tina Parker, Co-artistic Director
Kitchen Dog Theater
3120 McKinney Avenue, Ste. 100
Dallas, TX 75204.
For more information, visit

Phoenix Stage Company
Deadline: Dec. 15th

Phoenix Stage Company announces that we are accepting submissions for consideration to be included in the first annual PSC One-Act Festival, taking place in May 2013 at The Phoenix Stage Company in Naugatuck, Connecticut.There is no theme and all submissions that meet the criteria will be considered. Please review the following to determine if your play is eligible.


Scripts should be intended for mature audiences. No Children's plays will be considered for this festival.

No musicals will be considered for this festival.

Playwrights may submit more than one work.

Scripts must be original one-act plays no longer than 30 (thirty) minutes in length (playing time).

Author must own the copyright for the script (no adaptations will be accepted, unless the source material is in the public domain).

We will accept scripts that have been previously produced in a limited run.

Scripts should require a maximum of 6 actors for performance.

Plays must be able to be performed in a black box, unit set with minimal tech requirements.

If your play meets all of the above;

Please submit a cover letter, a synopsis, and a resume along with one copy of the play. Cover-sheet of play should have title, author, author's address, author's telephone number, and author's e-mail. Plays should be neatly bound or stapled on the left hand corner. (No loose pages and no binders, please.)

Deadline for submission is December 15, 2012

Send your script by email to:

or by mail to:

Phoenix Stage Company, Inc
One Act Festival
PO Box 344
Naugatuck, CT 06770

Please do not send scripts by UPS or FEDEX, they will not be accepted by the post office. If you would like your script returned, include a self addressed, postage paid envelope with your submission. Scripts sent without a requested return and not selected to be produced in the festival will be destroyed.

Playwrights Center Core Writers Program
Deadline: Jan. 17th

The Playwrights' Center invites committed professional playwrights to apply for the Core Writer Program. Created in recognition of the particular needs of emerging and established writers, the program offers significant resources intended to further a playwright's career and is available to writers nationally.
Core Writer Benefits
Collaboration Fund
Access to the Ruth Easton Lab Collaboration Fund (requests for proposals are sent to Core Writers in summertime) to develop new plays. Supported work must be developed at The Playwrights’ Center. For national writers this means a writer must travel to Minneapolis for the duration of the development activities. The Center will provide casting, space, and theater artist pay for development workshops. Limited funding is available to support travel and housing.
Playwright Profile
An individual profile page on the Center’s website enabling playwright to post a photo, bio, list of current plays, 10-page play samples, downloadable resume, a link to a directory of published works, and private messaging system.
New Plays on Campus
Priority access to the Center’s New Plays on Campus program that matches writers and plays to colleges and universities fostering new play productions on campuses nationwide.

Rehearsal Space / Photocopy Privileges
Free use of the Center’s rehearsal space (subject to availability) and photocopying privileges.

Professional Connections
Priority access to playwright exchanges, residencies, and master classes.

Three-year Term
Each term is three years; Core Writers may re-apply for additional terms.
Click here for specific guidelines and application.

Up Theatre Company
Deadline: ongoing

A new theater company located in Inwood at the top of Manhattan seeks an original play for our Spring slot to be produced under AEA showcase code.  We do not favor camp or sitcom.  Looking for plays that relate to and challenge an urban working class audience. Comedy or drama. We like them juicy.Special consideration given to playwrights from Inwood and Washington Heights.

The mission of UP Theater Company is to bring serious, professional theater to Northern Manhattan.

We will present new and challenging works of drama and comedy, relevant to our Uptown neighborhood. UP will not be afraid to be gritty, rambunctious, irreverent. UP will be for and by the community, taking advantage of the many theater artists who live among us; yet we also envision a theater that will be a destination for theatergoers from all across the area, drawn by work of quality and passion.

Please mail full script to:
UPTheater Company,
60 Cooper Street, suite 2E
New York, NY 10034

OR email queries with production history, synopsis, and breakdown to

24. Ashland New Play Festival
Deadline: Jan 15th

The ANPF is a festival of full-length pieces intended for the stage as well as for North American audiences. Plays must be a full-length drama or comedy for adults. No musicals, monologues, translations/adaptations, or plays for children are accepted. Plays must be previously unproduced and remain so through the end of the festival. All submissions are PDF files.

Scripts must meet the following criteria:
*One submission per author per year
*Collaborations accepted
*Script legibly typed in a standard play format on 8½" x 11" paper, with authorship indicated on the cover page only
*Full‐length drama or comedy (total 90‐ to 120‐minute running time)
*Previously unproduced (see definitions below)
*No more than eight characters
The following must be submitted with each script:
*Completed ANPF 2013 Application
*Check for $15 made payable to ANPF
*Bound document that includes the following bound into it in the following order (to facilitate blinded readings by the Reading Committee):
  • Cover page with play title only
  • Brief synopsis of play (limit two paragraphs) and cast list
  • Script (with no indication of author on any of the pages)

*Extra copy of the cover page with playwright’s full contact information (name, address, telephone, and e‐mail)—not bound into the script
*Author’s biography, with emphasis on experience as a playwright—not bound into the script
*If you would like to confirm that your play has been received, send it with delivery confirmation, by certified mail, or with a return receipt requested. If you wish to have the script returned to you, include a stamped, self‐addressed envelope with sufficient postage.
*In addition, forward an electronic copy in PDF format of the bound document via e‐mail to the blinded script submission mailbox The PDF must be identical to the printed script—but without the cover page.
Please send applications to:
Ashland New Plays Festival
PO Box 3314
Ashland, OR 9752
Please click here for Submission Guidelines.
Click here for more information.


Reunion Committee said...

This blog is incredibly helpful to all who use it. Thank you so much for posting the lists on the Dramatist Guild's Linked In group and the Linked In Playwrights group.

Anonymous said...

Yes, this is a very useful blog and you are certainly very kind to take the time to share this information.

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